Trending Traditional

Trending Traditional Photoshoot Poses for Capturing Best Moments
Candid pictures are great and always take you back to a magical moment, but they’re not always fit for a frame. When it comes to capturing events on film, getting a professional photographer involved and paying attention to how you pose makes a big difference. That’s why a traditional photoshoot will never go out of style. It’s a must-have for every important event. Here are a few ideas on traditional photoshoot poses.
List of Trending Traditional Photoshoot Poses
The royal portrait
If you’re looking for something elegant and regal, this is the ideal theme for your photoshoot. You’ll need a tall wingchair or a sofa. Sit on the chair with your pallu draped over the side wing and have your partner stand beside you. You can look directly into the camera or into each other’s eyes. Sitting at an angle can help show off your outfit a little more. This is a picture that looks amazing in colour as well as black and white.
The dip
Remember how slow dances always end in a dip… We’re talking about the pose where the man dips his partner backwards. It’s a romantic pose with a dash of drama that makes it ideal for a traditional photoshoot. Stand together with your arms on your partner’s shoulders and your partner’s arms around your waist. It’s a lot like a hug. Then lean backwards as your partner steps into a lunge and let the camera click the moment for posterity.
The hug
Typically, a hug involves both partners facing each other. This is a pose that can be photographed from the side, but it may not have you looking your best. Here’s a better alternative. Stand facing the camera with your partner behind you. Then, let him put his arms around your waist to hug you from behind. Or, he could wrap one arm around your waist and rest the other palm on your shoulder. The positions could be reversed, too, with you standing behind your partner.

Fixing the pleats
When you’re wearing a saree, it’s good to have someone help you keep the pleats straight. This moment looks magical on film, too. Stand sideways against a window or in front of a mirror and have your partner kneel before you. Your pleats may already be perfect, but he can mimic holding them straight as you share a laugh.
Holding hands
Not all the best photographs are taken facing the camera. This is a good idea for an outdoor traditional photoshoot. Stand beside each other with your backs to the camera. Now, hold hands and look at each other. You can add movement to this frame by taking a step forward as the photographer clicks your picture. The bottom of a set of stairs or a pathway is perfect for this shot.
Leading the way
This theme became popular with the ‘follow me’ hashtag. You can pose facing the camera or facing away from the camera. Stand a few steps ahead of your partner and hold your hand back to catch his. As the camera gets ready to click, take a step forward. If your body is facing away from the camera, you could look back as the picture is clicked.
Back to back
For this pose, stand a little way apart with your backs against each other. Now, lean back so it looks like you’re both leaning on each other. For a cool vibe, you could cross your arms at your waist. On the other hand, if you want a softer photograph, you could twist slightly to face the camera and bring your hands together to create the shape of a heart.
Carry me
This is a pose that you can’t help laughing and smiling through. When all the other pictures have been taken, let your partner gently lift you up in his arms. There are so many variants to this pose. You can face each other as he lifts you up, or he could carry you in his arms as you wrap your arms around his shoulder.
Summing it up
When it comes to traditional photoshoot poses, it is important to feel comfortable in front of the camera. Share a joke or look into your partner’s eyes to remember why you’re taking these photographs. It may seem like you can take these photographs with your camera on timer mode, but there’s a big difference between these pictures and the ones taken by a professional. An experienced professional photographer will be able to gauge your comfort levels and help you select poses that work well for you. That’s not all; professional photographers will also be able to ensure that your pictures aren’t blurry and that you look radiant.