Indoor 8 Months Baby Photoshoot

Indoor 8 Months Baby Photoshoot: Capturing Memories at Home
For an 8-month-old baby, every day is an opportunity to explore the world and find out something new. As their communication skills grow, playtime becomes a lot more fun. At the same time, you may notice a sudden hesitation before strangers. So, the best photographs from this time are likely to be those you capture at home. But being indoors shouldn’t limit your creativity. Here are a few ideas to inspire a creative indoor 8 months baby photoshoot.
Indoor 8 Months Baby Photoshoot Ideas

Teepee tent
Every explorer needs a tent. Setting up a teepee tent in your living room is easy. The simplest way is to tie a string taut across the room and drape a tablecloth over it to create an A-frame tent. A few pillows inside the tent, a string of fairy lights, and Mr Bear sitting outside – that’s all you need for a cute photoshoot set-up. You can always add a string of faux foliage and bring in a few potted plants to create a background. Accessorise your baby’s outfit with a sun hat for that added aww factor.
Crawling past numbers
With so much changing every month, monthly milestone photographs are a great idea. At the end of your baby’s first year, it’s amazing to see these photographs side by side. There are countless ways to capture your baby’s age. Here’s a fun indoor 8 months baby photoshoot idea –
Get a large sheet of butter paper and write the number ‘8’ in a large font. Make sure the number is bold and visible from a distance. Then cut the sheet almost completely in half vertically. This should create a curtain-like effect. Now, encourage your baby to crawl through the curtain towards the camera.
Playing with blocks
Soft blocks are a great toy for babies and a versatile prop in a baby photoshoot. Your little one may still be too young to stack blocks but will enjoy holding them and learning to throw them. Capture this glee in your photoshoot. Here’s another idea – set up a stack of blocks and take a photograph as your baby knocks them down. You can also use the blocks to spell out your baby’s name or age in the foreground of the frame.
My first tooth
Teething isn’t fun, but your baby may have a tooth or two peeking out by now. The best way to capture this is with a close-up photograph. Tickle your baby or make funny faces from behind the camera to get them to give you a big smile.
While you’re taking close-ups, you can also include photographs of their feet and fists. A close-up of their hand holding onto your finger is a classic.
High chair fun
This is the age at which your baby transitions from porridge to finger foods. Sit your baby down in a high chair with a plate of squishy bananas, mangoes, peaches and kiwis. There’s no doubt the experience will be messy, but your baby is sure to enjoy this, and you can capture a range of expressions as they play with the food and feed themselves. If you don’t have a high chair, you could simply sit your baby down on a large picnic mat or a white sheet. Remember to take these photographs from the baby’s eye level.
A milk bath
Your baby is now old enough to sit up without the fear of slipping down. This makes them old enough to try the milk bath photograph. First, line the bottom of your baby’s bathtub or a large plastic basin with a thick towel. Fill it about halfway with water. You can add flour to give the water a milky appearance. When your baby sits in the tub, the water should not be much higher than his/ her waist. You can then add lemon slices or rose petals to the water. Giving your baby a floral crown makes the picture even cuter.
Up and away
It takes a little bit of prep work, but with a few balloons and a basket, you can recreate the ‘Up’ movie look for an indoor 8 months baby photoshoot. The maximum effort goes into blowing up the balloons with helium gas. You’ll need quite a few! For a good effect, take balloons of different sizes and colours. Tie them together to create a big bunch. You can then tie this to the handles of the basket. Line the basket with a soft towel or blanket. You could also put in a cushion. Then, let your baby sit in the basket and get clicking. You can add a few soft toys in the frame to be the co-passengers.

Sleepover party
Your baby’s first sleepover friends are most probably going to be his soft toys. This is an excellent theme for a photoshoot. Your baby’s afternoon nap is the ideal time for this photoshoot since you can get the natural light needed to give your photograph a soft touch.
Once your baby is asleep, line up the soft toys on either side of his/her head. Next, pull a thin blanket or a sheet across them such that only their faces are visible. Take photographs from overhead and crop the photograph at the last toy at both ends.
Mirror mirror
Babies are fascinated by their reflection and don’t need much encouragement to interact with the mirror. A large framed mirror is ideal for this indoor 8 months baby photoshoot theme. Put the mirror against a wall so that it reflects your child sitting on the floor in front of it. Dress your baby up for this shoot. Tutu skirts and flower headbands are perfect for little girls, while pants and a hat make little boys look adorable. Your baby won’t be looking into the camera for this photograph, so you may need someone to stand behind the mirror and make your baby smile.
Holiday mode
For this photograph, you need a big suitcase that can stay open with the lid upright. You may need to tie the top handle to keep it secure. Fold a large blanket into the suitcase to fill it up, and then layer on a few baby clothes, books, toys, and other knickknacks. Let your baby sit on the blanket in the suitcase and start clicking.
Other props you can use for this photograph include a pair of binoculars, a globe, sunglasses that are oversized, and a straw hat.

Planning the perfect photoshoot
Every parent takes countless photographs of their baby. Most of these pictures are candid and they may result in the best photographs. Planning a photoshoot with themes and outfits gives you a much better chance of getting frame-worthy photographs. You can take these photographs yourself or work with a professional photographer. Look for a photographer who has sufficient experience photographing young infants. If you want to have a baby photoshoot in Bangalore, contact Klicpic.
Professional photographers are not only better at capturing your baby’s expressions but also have experience with post-production and can add a few special effects to your photographs. For example, if you photograph your baby with balloons, the photographer could add a few more balloons to the frame when editing the picture. The result – a beautiful set of photographs waiting to be framed and mounted on your walls.