While newborn photoshoots are popular, not all parents have the energy for a photoshoot while their baby is at that age. Many parents wait a few months to schedule a baby photoshoot. The 5-month age is ideal. 5-month old babies can stay awake for longer, they can hold their heads up and enjoy tummy time a lot more. They’re beginning to show facets of their personality that you can capture on film. That makes this the ideal time to schedule a unique 5 month baby photoshoot or a photoshoot with the entire family. Here are a few ideas to inspire you.

List of Unique 5 Month Baby Photoshoot

Five is Fine!

A letter board is a great prop for a unique 5 month baby photoshoot. You can use this to note down interesting things about your baby. At the most basic level, you can use this to capture your baby’s age, weight, height and other metrics. Or, you could use it for a fun, quirky quote like, “Five months old? You mean Fine months old.”  To style this photograph, let your baby lie on his back. Dress him up and accessorize his look with a pair of your sunshades. You can lay the letter board beside him. A chalkboard is a good alternative to the letter board.

Spa day

You enjoy spending the day relaxing in the spa, so why shouldn’t your baby? It may be a few days before you actually schedule a spa date, but you can still style a spa-themed photoshoot for your baby. This is a fun idea for an indoor photoshoot. Wrap your baby in a towel and twist a muslin scarf around your baby’s head. Smear a little extra cold cream on your baby’s cheeks or dab a little powder. If your baby is asleep at the time, you could place a slice of cucumber on each eye.

Jungle safari

Bring all his soft toys together for this photoshoot. You probably have a lot of teddy bears. Paper cutouts of lions, zebras and monkeys can add to the jungle look. You can also lay down faux ferns and other artificial greenery. Do you have a rocker for your baby? Since your baby can’t sit up as yet, you can pose him on the rocker for this unique 5 month baby photoshoot. Adding a safari hat and placing a pair of binoculars can complete the photograph.


How about spelling out your love for your baby? You’re going to need a round basket, cushions, a soft blanket and a few colourful scarves. Put the cushion in the basket and tuck the blanket over it. This is where your baby can lie down for the photoshoot. Now drape the scarves to create the letters L to the left for the basket and the letters V and E on the right. When you look at it from above, it looks like the word ‘LOVE’!

A day at the beach

There’s nothing like a day on the beach. You may not live close to one, but you can still plan a unique 5 month baby photoshoot with a beach theme. Create a base with a sand-coloured sheet mimicking the sand on the beach and a blue ruffled sheet symbolizing water. Add a few props like a cute umbrella, flip-flops, a tube of sunscreen, a beach ball and sunglasses. Dress your baby up in a cute swimsuit and position them on the ‘sand’ to complete the scene.

Sailor ahoy!

From the beach into the water! Not literally, just imaginatively. If you’re feeling creative, this is a great photoshoot theme. Start with a blue backdrop. Now find or DIY some cute props like an anchor, sea shells, starfish and, of course, a boat. You can drape a net or knot a length of rope in the bottom corner of your frame. Now all that’s left to do is dress your baby. Denim dungarees are ideal, as are a pair of white shorts and a blue and white striped T-shirt. Pop on a sailor’s cap and get clicking!

Flying with the balloons

Remember the movie ‘Up?’ Take that as inspiration or this photoshoot idea. You’re going to need a few balloons for this. If you want to use this as a milestone photograph, you could use 5 balloons, or you could add on as many as you like. Executing the idea is easy. Blow up the balloons and use a piece of double-sided tape to stick them in place. Now tie long ribbons from the balloons and bunch them together at the other end. Place them such that it looks like your baby is holding them in his hand, and take an overhead shot.

Camping adventures

Camping is always an exciting idea! Set up a small teepee tent in your living room and drape a string of fairy lights over it. Next, set up a basket near the entrance of the tent. Use a cushion and a blanket to create a soft seat in the basket for your baby to lie on. You could add a few plants to build up the jungle atmosphere and bring your baby’s soft toys into the frame too.

Baby Photoshoot

Having Fun at a 5 Month Baby Photoshoot

You can plan a baby photoshoot at home or book time at a studio. If you choose the former, make sure you work with a photographer who can bring a reflector, lights, and camera. Schedule your photoshoot at a time when you know your baby will be well-rested. Plan ahead and make sure you have all your props and outfits within reach. Most importantly, have patience and focus on keeping your baby happy.



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