We all spend hours looking at those beautifully shot and even more beautifully photoshopped pictures of gorgeous models flaunting their bodies and couture in front of the flashlight. We definitely do aspire such a portfolio. However, we do not have the luxury of indulging in daily makeovers or appointing professional photographers to build an Instagram profile. Hence, we need to make smart decisions in our fashion and photography. While choosing the right clothes and accessories is an independent choice based on the individual’s body type and tastes, here are some basic rules and tricks you could adapt to capture that perfect moment.
First, here’s how you can prepare your look for the ideal photo:
Choose the right makeup and clothing
While there are no specific rules for clothing, wear clothes that flatter your body type. Make sure they don’t clash with your complexion or hair colour. With respect to makeup, make sure that your foundation is not too pale so that your facedoesn’t look painted on. Similarly, highlight your eyes by accentuating them with mascara, or even curling your eyelashes. Make sure your face is not too shimmery, and try to add colour to your cheeks through blush or even pinching your cheeks before a photograph. Add enough shine and life to your hair.
The second thing to do is to curate the way you present yourself in front of the camera:
Identify the right angle for you
Browse through the best pictures of yourself and try to spot a pattern. There would be certain angles that flatter your features and certain types of smiles that accentuate your look. Identifying these, and replicating them would ensure that all you look good in all your photos. For example, facing the camera straight does not usually look good, but a three-fourths angle adds a flattering depth. Also, a photo shot from just above you is prettier than one shot from below.
Perfect your pose and smile
One common red carpet hack is to place your tongue behind your teeth while smiling to avoid a goofy grin. Similarly, the ‘hand on your hip’ posture with your body angled to the side and face towards the camera is a classic that never fails. You can always experiment with new postures, but perfect them before execution.
Angle your body towards the camera. The body parts closest to the camera look biggest, so use this to showcase parts that are well-defined. In general, pull your shoulders back and straighten your back.
How to avoid major faux-pas
To ensure that you don’t blink in front of a flash, make sure your eyes are comfortable with lighting. Similarly, to avoid a double chin, push your forehead a little forward while tipping your chin down.
The final part is the logistics, which are to be handled by the photographer:
Lighting is the key. Find light sources that shine directly on your face or body and not the sides. Flash is not recommended; if there is a lack of light then use another light source such as a lamp, phone etc. to provide light for the photo as pictures on flash mode don’t really work out well. The lighting must not be too bright or have harsh shadows on your face- these can make the imperfections such as wrinkles stand out.
You are unique and the confidence of knowing that is most important in a photo session. Embrace your beauty!